========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Mon, 22 Jan 90 Volume 90 : Issue 79 Today's Topics: ARC 6.02 bugs Bob Dobbs character set?? Facts, not only talking a Laser C vs Mark Williams Mark Williams C Monitors, Music, Spreadsheets. Need Hard Disk Wisdom Shareware MICRO RTX STE problem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 20 Jan 90 16:56:25 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!aimd@uunet.uu.net (M Davidson) Subject: ARC 6.02 bugs Message-ID: <1736@castle.ed.ac.uk> In article <1432@engage.enet.dec.com> wallace@oldtmr.dec.com (Ray Wallace) writes: >It turns out that I can not get ARC 6.02 to work with any of the graphical >shells I have for ARC (ARCSHELL, ARCGSH21, UNARC). All of them produce either >two or four bombs (it keeps changing) when they go to execute ARC. The older >version of ARC (v5.21b I think) runs fine with all of these shells. I think you need Arcshell 2.1 (? 2.1?) you can get it by anonymous ftp from sol.cs.ruu.nl [], It seeems to work fine. Curiously, I found after de-arcing some DVI stuff from terminator that although the first so-many files had been de-arced OK, the rest came out with 0 lengths! I don't know what happen to cause this, there wasn't any write error message like the one you got in Arc 5.21b. This happened with two DVI archives, I couldn't recreate the situation 'cos I deleted them after de-arcing them (seemed like a good idea since ARC never reported any error...). Any have any ideas? >Ray Wallace > (INTERNET,UUCP) wallace@oldtmr.enet.dec.com > (UUCP) ...!decwrl!oldtmr.enet!wallace > (INTERNET) wallace%oldtmr.enet@decwrl.dec.com Mark Davidson. (I *must* do a signature one of these days!) ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jan 90 07:42:46 GMT From: att!oucsace!bwhite@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Bill White) Subject: Bob Dobbs character set?? Message-ID: <1042@oucsace.cs.OHIOU.EDU> In article <9001220106.AA01476@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu>, boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu (Mickey Boyd) writes: > > I am unfamiliar with this particular subject, but it sounds potentially > interesting. Anyone want to give a summary of who Bob is? > Bob is the great, powerful, omnipotent, immortal God of the Subgenius! From his word may you know enlightenment, or at least a good chuckle. Check out alt.slack; and read the Book of Bob (BoB) titled Book of the Subgenius, available from Simon & Schuster. Bill White bwhite@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu HARTLEY'S SECOND LAW: "Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself." ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jan 90 16:52:00 GMT From: apollo!rehrauer@eddie.mit.edu (Steve Rehrauer) Subject: Facts, not only talking a Message-ID: <483099b8.20b6d@apollo.HP.COM> In article <20013@watdragon.waterloo.edu> swklassen@tiger.waterloo.edu (Steven W. Klassen) writes: >In article <90011904271742@masnet.uucp> ron.sharp@canremote.uucp (RON SHARP) writes: >>Phoowie! The only way I can get simple information on memory locations >>is to become a developer, because anyone else who has the info isn't >>allowed to tell me. > >Here is a very important hint for the would-be developer. > >TRY TO AVOID "DEVELOPING" FOR A GIVEN MACHINE. When designing software >and writing that initial version, try to keep things portable. In >other words, try to avoid relying on specific memory locations. (Remember >that the ST is NOT the c1-Mhz, 16K computer that the Atari 400 was - you >don't have to count bits and clock cycles like you used to.) [ some good suggestions deleted here ] Good things to keep in mind. However, it's a bit of a myth that one can write painlessly portable code. I agree that you try to avoid shooting yourself in vital places. But in lieu of a universal user interface standard, you can't avoid pulling the trigger altogether -- unless your application can live with a dumb glass teletype interface, which I suppose many can. But if you're going to do anything more than that on the ST, you have a choice of rolling your own graphical interface or using GEM. You can carefully package the GEM stuff and hope that it'd be fairly painless to replace that portion with the appropriate MAC OS / MS-Windows / Amiga Intuition / Xlib / Display Postscript / whatever calls when you port. You still have to know GEM, though, and as matters & market-share stand today that's pretty machine-dependent anyway. I guess ron.sharp@canremote.uucp wasn't asking about GEM. Frankly, for most of the things I do on the ST, I don't need to know more about the box than GEM's calling interface. (I don't sell what I write, of course; maybe Ron intends to. Perhaps his mileage would vary.) If Ron just wants that level of knowledge, I've found the Megamax C manual to be adequate. No need for us hobby hackers to $pend big buck$ on the Atari developer'$ kit. Oh well, forgive my rambling. Steve Klassen knew the above anyway, I'm sure. -- >>"Aaiiyeeee! Death from above!"<< | Steve Rehrauer, rehrauer@apollo.hp.com "Flee, lest we be trod upon!" | The Apollo System Division of H.P. ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jan 90 21:15:24 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!nikhefh!t19@uunet.uu.net (Geert J v Oldenborgh) Subject: Laser C vs Mark Williams Message-ID: <722@nikhefh.nikhef.nl> I have used neither, but I do now that any program compiled with Laser C crashes on my systems because of an innocent program in my autofolder which translates bombs into readable messages and is perfectly legal. Dunno what they do in their start-up code, but it ain't pretty. On a related note, does anyone know why all compiled GFA-2 basic programs hang the machine when executed from a shell (my shell?) about 2 times out of three? Geert Jan van Oldenborgh ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jan 90 23:33:42 GMT From: mcsun!unido!nadia!marauder@uunet.uu.net (Stefan Hess) Subject: Mark Williams C Message-ID: <756@nadia.UUCP> Somebody told me that MW has stopped development of MWC on the ST. Does anybody know if this is true ? I would hate it if there wouldn't be an ANSI version of MWC. Stefan. -- _ _ MAR-3H Marauder Don't leave your dropship without one ! /\V/\ 8/"\8 "Everybody should have an opinion." (Carmen K.-S.) ~ ~ marauder@nadia.UUCP / ..!uunet!unido!nadia!marauder / ++49-711-252624 ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jan 90 16:55:00 GMT From: apollo!rehrauer@eddie.mit.edu (Steve Rehrauer) Subject: Monitors, Music, Spreadsheets. Message-ID: <48309bec.20b6d@apollo.HP.COM> In article <1990Jan20.231207.27553@gumby.cc.wmich.edu> obryan@gumby.cc.wmich.edu (Mark O'Bryan) writes: >Also, be aware that there are dangerously high voltages inside, so you can >kill yourself if you're careless. You may also void your warranty. And goodness knows you don't want to void your warranty! :-> -- >>"Aaiiyeeee! Death from above!"<< | Steve Rehrauer, rehrauer@apollo.hp.com "Flee, lest we be trod upon!" | The Apollo System Division of H.P. ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jan 90 17:48:32 GMT From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!m.cs.uiuc.e du!totty@think.com Subject: Need Hard Disk Wisdom Message-ID: <7500012@m.cs.uiuc.edu> I'm sure this subject has been covered many times, but I haven't been reading this group for a long time. I am interested in obtaining info from anyone about building hard disks fro the ST. Advice on interfacing, drive/controller recommendations, power supply choices, cases, and difficulties about the ST. Please email to me if the subject has been beaten to death. Thanks! --- Bri / Brian Totty o o /__ __ o 406 E. Michigan / Apt. 6 o / / / / Urbana, IL 61801 \_/ "We have corn in /__/ / / totty@cs.uiuc.edu Massachusetts too!" ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jan 90 07:40:55 GMT From: unisoft!bdt!david@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (David Beckemeyer) Subject: Shareware MICRO RTX Message-ID: <882@bdt.UUCP> In article <12117@cs.yale.edu> fischer-michael@CS.YALE.EDU (Michael Fischer) writes: >Has this been tested under TOS 1.4? The announcement didn't say. Yes RTX runs under TOS 1.4. This shareware version version won't run on a non-68000 CPU (as in the TT, if we ever see one). I'll cross that bridge when I come to it (anyone want to donate a TT for the project? -- Atari? ) -- David Beckemeyer (david@bdt.UUCP) | "I'll forgive you Dad... If you have Beckemeyer Development Tools | a breath mint." P.O. Box 21575, Oakland, CA 94620 | Bart - "The Simpsons" UUCP: ?uunet,ucbvax?!unisoft!bdt!david | ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jan 90 23:12:42 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!newcastle.ac.uk!turing!q1cbw@uunet.uu.net (D.C. Halliday) Subject: STE problem Message-ID: <1990Jan18.231242.15890@newcastle.ac.uk> Would some kind person please post the fix for the STE medium res bug, I purchased my ST mail order in the UK and as such it will take ages to get the fix. Hell I didn't even get the new pallet utillity.I can't get either since I never recieved the UK language disk, this needs to be returned to ATARI UK for them to give me this program. Can anyone help by posting or e-mailing these to me. Thanks, Dave H. (d.c.halliday@newcastle.ac.uk) ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #79 ****************************************